

What our clients have to say...

BEM Ireland were hired as our local destination management company (DMC) for our client, a medical staffing company firm’s annual President’s Club Trip to Ireland. Together, the teams created a memorable experience, receiving rave reviews from the attendees and the company’s CEO:
  • “WOW! That is all that I can say.”
  • “Knocked it out of the park!”
  • “This is my sixth trip, and this is by far the most unique and memorable experience with my company yet.”
  • “We challenged you to make Dublin exciting and memorable. You and the team have far surpassed our expectations.”
  • “BEM Ireland was an amazing addition to our planning team”
  • “Averil and Laura were fantastic both during pre-planning and onsite. Their onsite guides and staff were friendly and kept the program running on track. The attendees walked away with a new appreciation for the Irish culture and life-long memories of Dublin and all it has to offer.

Incentive Trip and Gala Dinner

BEM Ireland is simply the best DMC that we have ever worked with. That sentiment is also echoed by my client “Simply the Best”. From the time our group landed until everyone had to say goodbye it was flawless. The whole group fell in love with all the guides and bus drivers.

I was able to relax, join in the group and just have fun with them, which, is very important to them. Averil understood everything that I asked for and she delivered. I had been proposing Ireland to my client for 5 years and for it to go so beautifully was really a blessing for me. Thank you for all of your hard work, you love your country, and it shows in everything that you do.

Program Manager, Travel Management Company, USA

Multiple Incentive Programmes for long term Drinks Industry Client of over 20 years

“I just wanted to reach out and thank you for a first-class experience in Ireland for all of and our Distributor Partners! This was truly a best-in-class example of nailing down every detail on this incredible trip you put together and it would not have been the same without you! Hope we didn’t cause too much stress upon you! Haha. It was great to get to know you and we look forward to many more!”

“I have finally recovered from our trip.  Hope you have too! Thanks again for all you do for us to make it all go smoothly!   You’re the best!“

“Dear BEM, I want to thank you for executing an outstanding first class incentive trip to Ireland. Once again BEM exceeded our own and our distributors expectations. You not only created first class experiences you also created lifelong memories. Mission Over – Delivered!”

“Amen to that!  These guys had an amazing experience & are already asking to go again. I just hosted a call with my team and let them know if they want to run any future programs who they should call!”

Program Manager, Travel Management Company, USA

Incentive Trip and Awards Ceremony

“Our incentive program to Killarney and Dublin was so very memorable and different and a trip that our winners still talk about.  So many of them came up to me at our national sales meeting this year to reminisce about their experience in Ireland and how it was a trip that they will remember for the rest of their lives.”  We could not have made that happen without you.  From the very beginning you helped us develop a program that was well balanced, fun, relaxing, exciting and different.  From the beautiful Hotel Europe in Killarney to the sunning Four Seasons in Dublin, two very different worlds for sure, it was a unique program.  And when the weather threw us a curve ball our last day in Killarney, you created our back-up plan and threw together a wonderful whiskey tasting experience that was spot on and just what the group needed to lift their spirits after the little downpour!
From the gifts, to the luggage pull, to the train ride, to the final night entertainment, everything you helped us managed was amazing.  And let’s talk about that final night entertainment – what a show, simply one of the best awards dinners we have ever had for our Summit Club program – I don’t know how we will ever be able to top that!
So, I know that Jamie and I receive all of the accolades from our leadership team throughout the week, but I want you to know that we would not have been a success without you right there beside us, providing that guidance and support and sharing your knowledge about your wonderful country.  So, a very belated and heartfelt thank you Averil, to you and your great team for an amazing Summit Club experience!

Global Pharmaceutical Company, USA Canada & Brazil

Incentive Trip and Gala Dinner

“It was such an amazing trip with individuals still recounting various aspects of the trip today. Of course everything was fabulous, from Killarney to Shannon. The team building exercise at Muckross Farms and then to the lovely tented lunch where everyone learned how to ‘clog’. From Dingle
Peninsula to the fabulous reception and tour at the Muckross Mansion. Then
of course, the Cliffs of Moher and everything else we fit in.
But nothing will ever compare to all of the work you did for the gala dinner. I was so tired during the site inspection, but you wanted me to hear a specific group. I was sure they weren’t what I was looking for. I was so surprised to discover that they were amazing, and you negotiated a fabulous rate right within my budget. Then we had the issue of no space at the Dromoland Castle for the gala dinner. We went to Knappogue Castle and I was less sure about our final chosen venue than you. You assured me once we pulled out the huge picnic tables, added our own tables, chairs, décor and flowers I would not be disappointed. That final evening the bus pulls up and everyone is greeted by hosts in period costumes. A lovely cocktail reception with passed hor d’ourves keeps everyone guessing what is happening in the ‘big’ room. Unable to see the transformation before we arrived you sneak me into the dining room and tears fill my eyes. Never have I seen such an amazing transformation that looks as though I have spent 10 times my budget.
Once the doors open everyone’s breath is taken away. But that is only the beginning of the evening. After dinner the entertainment starts. The attendees are riveted and some of them crying at the beauty of the evening. A standing ovation from the crowd brings the evening to an end. Then I am peppered with questions from my management regarding how we could afford this amazing evening and this special group of amazing musicians. I was so proud to tell them they easily fit inside our budget due to the work of BEM Ireland.
This is only a brief overview of everything your company did for me, but I want you to know that the trip was exquisite. The attendees had such an amazing time, and everything was perfect, from the group transfers to the guides. There isn’t anything I would have changed. Thank you so much and please know we heartily and proudly recommends your company to anyone seeking a DMC in Ireland. Thanks again for the lovely program and memories.”

Health Science Company USA

Incentive Trip and Gala Dinner

“I had the pleasure to work with BEM Ireland recently with an incentive group to Dublin. I would recommend BEM Ireland highly for their professionalism, integrity, and ability to get the job done. Our group was over 250 people in two hotels had had a lot of off-site movement. Additionally, my client is very demanding with last minute requests for VIP’s that need to be handled on the spot. BEM Ireland handled all of these flawlessly without a hint of exasperation or frustration which would have been understandable. They brought the entire program in on budget and honored every commitment they made both by contract as well as oral while on-site. The best compliment I can give them came from my client who is not easy to please. His words were “I got my monies worth and more on this trip”.

President, Travel Management Company, USA

I would like to thank you for your outstanding support for our clients Best in Class program. Your support and dedication was critical to the success of the program. Averil, I want you to know how much I appreciate your attention during the planning process. Eamon, your “energizer bunny work ethic” inspired us all. And a big thank you to all Dubliners, who welcomed our group with open arms and a friendly smile. We fell in love with Ireland and Dublin and look forward to our next adventure with the BEM team. Thank you again for everything.

Vice President Client Services Management Consultancy Company USA

Incentive Trip

I would like to personally thank you for your team’s hard work in making our North American Bar & Shield Recognition Trip a success! I thoroughly enjoyed working with your team from beginning to end. I always enjoy your vision, excitement, and attention to our budget constraints. Alan’s attention to detail during the pre-planning process created a smooth on-site program. Your handpicked team on site certainly complimented each other and provided an extremely pleasant atmosphere for us and the attendees. The guides added a few laughs to the many history lessons we will cherish for a long time.

Overall our attendees walked away extremely satisfied with the service they received. From the moment they stepped foot into the Ritz-Carlton, the service they received was stellar. The hospitality desk staff handled all requests promptly and with a smile. The event staff provided first class service by reconfirming and advancing all events. I particularly enjoy your passion for your country and this industry in addition to your genuine concern for our attendees to create a memorable experience. The Platinum Experience at Dromoland is going to be extremely hard to top. The guests were speechless.

We definitely appreciate all of your assistance in making this program memorable for all.


I want to once again thank you for the outstanding job you and your people did with our group! I continued to hear wonderful comments on the trip home and even into yesterday in my office. You are to be commended for putting together such an outstanding operational team that is so effective in executing your exceptional planning down to the finest details. It was truly one of the best trips we have ever had!

Please extend my thanks to all your group, especially Amanda and Rory and, when convenient, please send me their email addresses so I can thank them personally.


Customer Visit Programme Partner since 2010

It was indeed a challenging week with two non-EU citizen groups with multiple destinations and hotels and a diverse range of extracurricular activity requests which I must say were handled with consummate ease.

One of the main talking points since we have left Ireland was the friendly, easy going atmosphere felt throughout the entire visit, this was down to you Eamon. The subtle extra touches added to the trip such as extra sightseeing in Connemara, the talking tours of Dublin & Galway, and the signed books presented to ourselves were but a few of the very memorable experiences enjoyed. We are very grateful. Again, thank you.

The lovely April is to be commended for her extreme patience throughout the entire organization and planning phase, her dedication and attention to detail make dealing with such large difficult groups seem quite easy, we know it’s not, but she makes it seem so, and that large smile of hers is a very welcome sight at 6.30 on any cold miserable West of Ireland morning.
Not to forget the silent man Igor, through the worst of driving conditions he delivered us to our every destination with precision and skill and zero fuss. Please again pass on our sincerest thanks to him.

You have a well-organized, professional team Eamon which I am certain will serve your business well for the future. Again, thank you and look for to seeing you all again.

Manufacturing Company, Galway

Corporate Client Recognition Event

The event itself was first rate. Firstly, it was unique, no-one had attended a similar event previously. It was also very interactive. The feedback from staff was unanimous in that it had been one of the best events we had run in Galway. One of the biggest plusses of dealing with BEM was after event publicity we received in local press. This no doubt helped us build an identity in Galway and will especially aid recruitment on an ongoing basis.

 Insurance Company Galway

Recognition Gala Awards Ceremony

Thanks to your support, your preparation, and your professionalism. Feedback from many of the attendees has confirmed that the evening was glitzy, classy, and thoroughly enjoyable.

National Bank

Company Milestone Celebratory Event

The response has been amazing in terms of letters and phone calls of genuine delight and praise. One letter describes experiencing the WOW factor and I think that hit the nail on the head. The whole day and night were amazing and can only have a positive effect on our business. I know that even at the company itself, our ‘team’ spirit has been boosted considerably.

Manufacturer, Galway

Official Opening Event

We would like to thank you for all your assistance with the official opening. The event was a great success. The whole itinerary from the arrival of An Taoiseach by helicopter, through the speeches, presentations, press etc was managed professionally and in a very relaxed manner. We received very positive feedback and were also pleased with the post event publicity.

Construction Company, Ireland

Launch Event

Launch Event
The event was a resounding success, not only as evidenced by coverage on the RTE news and in the national newspapers, but also that everything went smoothly and according to plan on the day.

Financial Company, Ireland

Group Travel

Also, now that the group has been home and had time to unwind, share pictures and highlights of the trip, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated all you did for me in helping the group have a trip of a lifetime. You went out of your way to ensure that we met the most important need which was playing the Old Course and providing transport to St Andrews while the rest of the group could continue on with their Glasgow tour.

It was especially meaningful for my wife and her sister as they got to go down the street where their father was born and raised until coming to the states at age 13. Which leads me to Walter Grant: no doubt one of the most professional and personable gentlemen I’ve have ever met. He did above and beyond what was expected of him and treated everyone as they were the most important group he had ever had. He was never late; accompanied the group on every tour; provided information and historic background everywhere we visited in Scotland.

Ireland was a great way to wind up the trip. The Grand Malahide Hotel was beautiful and ideally located for our travel and leisure. I know the group was most appreciative of your generosity in buying them a drink and Dermot was most hospital in his ensuring that everyone was taken care of and even providing us with a great place for dinner that evening. Our driver, Willie, was most professional and handled his duties well as a last-minute replacement for which we were thankful.

I expressed to Jim how professionally you and your staff handled every detail of our trip from arrival in Glasgow to departure in Dublin. It is my sincere hope that we can do business again in the near future and that you enjoy many happy days and good health until such time.

Program Director, Golf Travel Management Company.